Reconnect Performance BLOG
Shoulder pain with overhead activity can really put a damper on things like crushing your upper body workout at the gym, throwing ball with the...
Hot take: As a Physical Therapist, I love the new year fitness and health buzz. I love seeing the gyms busy and listening to clients, friends and...
I am not big on buying 'recovery gadgets' but toe spacers are something that I think most people would benefit from using.
Maybe you have...
Exercise is quite possibly the most potent drug on the planet. That's what I love most about the field of Physical Therapy. We get to use various...
Part of my evaluation process when working with new physical therapy patients is to take a look at their workout program. Essentially, I am looking...
Whether you are dealing with pesky shoulder problems that flare up every so often, loss of range of motion, or you are just looking to keep your...
Most people that come to see me for injuries or performance deficits have severely undertrained feet. What this looks like is weak arches,...
Here's what you can expect in this class:
All movements are focused on improving isolation and control of both the spine and hip...
Fortunately, my job as a Physical Therapist has historically involved a ton of MOVEMENT. Constantly walking, moving, changing positions and working...
If I had a dollar for every person that came to see me for tightness, pain, or pinching in the hips, I would be sitting on my own private beach in...
Other than combat athletes, most people don't think about training that is dedicated to improving the strength and control of their neck.
Pattern Based versus Joint Specific Training
Most fitness programs are built upon pattern based training. Push, pull, hinge, squat patterns are...
Joints CARs stands for Controlled Articular Rotations and they are an exercise that I use often in daily practice, the rehab setting, as well as...
The optimal mindset to recover from or prevent injury, involves finding a harmonious balance between mental toughness and self-compassion
What does...
"Life requires movement" -Aristotle
We sit in our car to commute to work. We sit most of the day at work. And when we come home, we sit on a couch...
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